First, everything has gone great since they took out the drains
Friday. The original "Buddy" site is quite swollen and red but he
doesn't seem to care. We were finally able to give him a bath last
night which he loved. The weekend with Adelaide, Jeremy, and
Eleanna was wonderful. We went on a hayrack ride, ate, shopped,
ran, and played at the park. We got back to Columbus this
afternoon, checked into Ronald McDonald House, went geocaching, and
had dinner out thanks to Chet & Charlie.
I am sure you all remember that surgery is tomorrow but thought
we might give some additional details:
1. Surgery starts at 8am Eastern.
2. We should get updates from the doctor every 1-2 hours.
3. Surgery could last up to 10 hours.
4. Dr. Spaeth is going to be working in his shoulder/neck area,
original chest site, and possibly in his arm depending on how
things are connected.
We will put up a few posts tomorrow as we get information but
will let you know for sure when all is done.
Thanks for all the support.
Brooke, Michael, & Greyson