Monday, December 24, 2012

Prepping for Santa

So the Santa excitement started much earlier this year and he is soooo ready for him to visit tonight.

In early December, we went to see Santa (at the mall) so that G could tell him exactly what he wanted. After the 3rd trip, Greyson agreed to stand next to Santa and even smiled. He was a bit upset when we left and he didn't have his train and train track.

Knowing that Santa needs some calories to keep him going through his long night of work, I figured Greyson needed to get in on the cookies and milk preparations.

For the sake of consistency and because I love the look, the above pictures are in black and white. I think look pretty nice but I thought it might be fun to share a little funny story about the cute PJ's in the last picture....

Two years ago (at Greyson's first Christmas), we started the tradition of getting him new PJ's and let him open them Christmas Eve. This year, when we said he could open a present he was uber excited and then he opened it and here is what we saw....

...guess he was a little disappointed but he recovered and went to bed happy and excited for Christmas morning. He did ask for one more thing this afternoon...a little bit of snow.

Merry Christmas to you all.
Brooke, Michael, and Greyson

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cracking Us Up

This boy just doesn't quit. He does the funniest things. Here are a few pics from the week.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A New December Tradition

Like so many other families before us, the Elf on the Shelf has come to visit for the month of December to help Greyson make it through the 24 days before Christmas and to remember to be nice. Think we might invite Elf to stay year round if that works.

Here is how we met him and read his book to learn all about why he has come to visit. Not really sure G gets it but it will be fun to help him get excited. More to come. ;)