Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Final Post :( & Some Holiday Fun

So I'll start off with the disappointing news that I am going to take down this blog in the coming week. With intentional effort to simplify my life, try and give back some time to us, and take some pressure I put on myself to do so much, I have decided that blending this blog with my Hobby Collector blog makes the most sense. We want to stay connected with family and friends who appreciate the updates on all that we do so I will transfer all of the posts here to my other blog and continuing posting there. If you want to follow what we (and G) are up to please bookmark that site, follow it by email (find a ways down on the right hand side of the blog), or add the Hobby Collector to your feed reader.

Before we officially say goodbye I thought you might like to see how G spent his Christmas. We had a great Holiday even with a little cough. Legos and Ninja Turtles were the biggest hits but G loved everything.

We are lucky to have so many people that love us and give so much. We wish everyone a wonderful New Year and I hope that you decide to follow our lives through my Hobby Collector blog in the future.
