Sunday, July 25, 2010

Almost 3 Months

We can’t believe it is already July 25 and Greyson is almost 3 months old. No longer will we have to count weeks to figure it out how old he is, now it’s months. You all won’t believe how much he is changing on a daily basis growing and getting more of a personality. He has made his first trip to the library, gone out on the boat, and is going for a sleep over tonight to Gramps and Grandma B’s (with us).
Greyson’s legs, arms, and neck are getting much stronger and he can hold his head up on his own pretty well for short periods of time. We can now carry him facing forward in the baby carrier which he loves because he can see everything. He spends some time each day in his play yard looking at himself in the mirror and smiling a lot and he “talks” to the fabric on the quilt in his bed and above the changing table every chance he gets. He has discovered his tongue and sometimes he and Michael make faces at each other and stick their tongues out. We have found a couple of ways to get him some “tummy time” and this seems to be helping with muscle control although he does have a hard time getting his right arm out in front of him, but he will get it soon enough.
Friday brought Greyson’s first visit from a Special Instructor (Special Ed Teacher) from First Steps, a developmental intervention program. We are lucky that he qualified for services from the Special Instructor, Sharon, 2 times a month and from a Physical Therapist, Suzy, 1 time a week and the cool thing is that they are sisters and can work together to help Greyson out. We know that his “Buddy” is going to slow him down a bit but with their help maybe we can find ways to work around it and keep him moving.
Over the past few weeks we have continued to have his blood work done and while it is not as high as we would like it is not as low as it was when he was in KC for the last procedure. We hope the doctors agree that it is ok and will call off the weekly heel sticks. If he could tell us I am sure he would vote for no more visits to the lab although the ladies are very sweet to him.
Tomorrow he visits Children’s Mercy for a check up with the Vasucular Anomolies Clinic doctors. We will get to see what they think about the changes in his growth and decide if it is working well enough to do another round of sclerosing in the middle of August. I think “Buddy” has changed (seems like it is sinking in a little) a bit more since the last visit but will be interested in seeing the pictures they took to really see the difference. We hope that they will be able to give us a better idea of when his surgery might take place and how long to expect his recovery to be. We will post an update tomorrow evening to let you all know what the doctors have to say.
We hope you are enjoying your summer and thank you for all of your well wishes, messages, and visits. We look forward to more.

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