Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Greetings to all of our friends and family that follow Greyson's Carepages site. We hope that you had a wonderful holiday filled with relaxation and good times and wish you a happy 2012.

Things are still going great here with Greyson. He is doing quite well and was even dismissed from Occupational Therapy right before Christmas. The OT said that if she didn't know what to look for she wouldn't know that anything was any different with him than any other kid.

Greyson is growing like a weed and doing so much these days. He has lots of words in his vocabulary (his favorite today is Bubba, my dad's horses name) and he has also started repeating lots of words that we say. I figured that out one day when I said "crap". Guess we have to watch that now. He is on the run most of the time and likes to spin, "dance", and do somersaults (with help from us). One of his favorite things to do now is to hide. He got some tents for Christmas that we have set up in his room and he runs and hides in them and then calls to "Mommy" or "Daddy" to come find him.

He is scheduled for an MRI and Ultrasound on Feb. 8. They are checking to see if anything has come back. We will send the images to his doctors at Nationwide Hospital. We are hopeful, but if needed we will head back to Columbus and take care of things. He will still have another surgery to take care of the spots of lymphatic tissue in his hand and arm, but that won't be until maybe late next year.

Thank you again for all the support. We will send an update after we get the results of the tests in February. Take care.

Brooke, Michael, and Greyson

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